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Supported Client Technologies
Last Modified: April 3, 2022
Web based technologies evolve, and CitizenDeveloper was built to make sure you are not left behind. In order to provide the best web based technologies available not only today but also in the future, CitizenDeveloper supports the most cutting edge browsers and standards. These products have a long history of keeping themselves at the forefront of evolving web trends.
Importantly, CitizenDeveloper automatically upgrades its back end technologies, so that you can be confident that the Application will still be at the cutting edge tomorrow!
Supported Desktop Browsers
CitizenDeveloper supports the following web browsers:
- Chrome (latest version)
- Firefox (latest version)
- Edge (latest version)
Supported Mobile Browsers
All CitizenDeveloper applications are built with responsive behavior and mobile in mind, and it is easy to configure UI changes when mobile form factors or browsers are detected. CitizenDeveloper supports the following mobile browsers:
- Mobile Chrome
- Mobile Firefox
- Mobile Safari
Supported Devices
By using these mobile or desktop browsers, your CitizenDeveloper installation will perform best using the following platforms:
- Desktop
- Tablet
- Mobile
Other Requirements
No other specific or special hardware is required to run our solution.